Spring 2025 Sponsor Meeting

TCCS will hold the Spring 2024 Sponsor Meeting on April 24-25 in Houston, Texas. Hosted by the Bureau of Economic Geology, it will be held at the Houston Research Center.

Representatives from the participating companies are invited to register for the meeting using following link



The Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology is a joint initiative of the Bureau of Economic Geology and the Center for Numerical Analysis at the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. Its mission is to address the most important and challenging research problems in computational geophysics as experienced by the energy industry while educating the next generation of research geophysicists and computational scientists.

TCCS develops novel methods for seismic data analysis with focus on both resource exploration and carbon capture and storage. Areas of research focus include optimizing data acquisition with simultaneous sources, automating seismic interpretation, increasing the resolution of seismic reservoir characterization, and estimating subsurface properties using full-waveform inversion.


TCCS has pioneered new developments in several application areas:

  • Deep-learning methods for seismic interpretation, including automatic detection of lithofacies and geobodies
  • Deep-learning methods for seismic data processing and imaging, including noise attenuation, computational wave propagation, and least-squares seismic migration
  • Optimal-transport methods for seismic full-waveform inversion
  • Shaping regularization for improving acquisition and imaging with simultaneous sources
  • Diffraction imaging for increasing the resolution of seismic imaging and reservoir characterization
  • Seismic anisotropy and attenuation parameterizations for efficient imaging in complex media

To learn more about joining the Texas Consortium for Computational Seismology, please click here.


The TCCS Team. For information about the researchers, post-docs, students and more, please see our staff page.

Events and News

Spring 2024 Sponsor Meeting - TCCS held the spring 2024 Sponsor Meeting on April 25-26, 2024 in Houston, Texas at the Houston Core Research Center. Meeting sessions were broadcast via streaming video, and members can find the presentations and meeting resources on the TCCS Members site.

Fall 2023 Sponsor Meeting - TCCS held the Fall 2023 Sponsor Meeting on November 16-17, 2023 in Austin, Texas at the Bureau of Economic Geology. Meeting sessions were broadcast via streaming video, and members can find the presentations and meeting resources on the TCCS Members site.

October 29- November 3, 2023: 20 Years of Madagascar and the Madagascar School in Mexico. The latest version, even after two decades of starting the open source project, Madagascar 4.0 continues to maintain its global popularity as a powerful tool for multidimensional data analysis and reproducible computational experiments. In celebration of its 20th anniversary, a Madagascar workshop was  held during the Annual Meeting of the Mexican Geophysical Union (RAUGM) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Oct 29 — Nov 3, 2023.

Spring 2023 Sponsor Meeting - TCCS held the Spring 2023 Sponsor Meeting on Apr 20 — 21 in Houston, Texas. Members can find the presentations and meeting resources on the TCCS Members site.

Spring 2020 Sponsor Meeting - TCCS held the Fall 2019 Sponsor Meeting on Apr 30 — May 1 as a Zoom virtual conference/webinar. Members can find the presentations and meeting resources on the TCCS Members site.

Fall 2019 Sponsor Meeting - TCCS held the Fall 2019 Sponsor Meeting on October 24-25, 2019 in Austin, Texas at the Bureau of Economic Geology. Meeting sessions were broadcast via streaming video, and members can find the presentations and meeting resources on the TCCS Members site.

Spring 2019 Sponsor Meeting - The 2019 First Biannual Research Meeting was convened in Houston, Texas, April 18-19 at the Houston Core Research Center. Presentations and meeting resources are now available to members on the TCCS Members site

SEG Working Workshop - Python and Julia for Geophysics - August 8-11, 2018: This workshop asks participants to create small groups to identify and address obstacles to the more widespread use of Python and Julia in the geophysical community. The workshop participation is free but requires an application. Space is limited. The application deadline is August 1, 2018. Link to the application form. Learn more: HoustonWW 2018.

Spring 2018 Sponsor Meeting - April 19-20, 2018: Link to the news webpage.

August 9-13, 2017: SEG Working Workshop in Houston 2017Working Workshops as opposed to "talking workshops" are meetings where the participants work in pairs or small teams to develop new software code or to conduct computational experiments addressing a particular problem. In this workshop participants will work in small groups to create short, reproducible, geophysical tutorials.

July 10-11, 2017: Madagascar School of Reproducible Computational Geophysics Shanghai 2017. This Madagascar school will introduce the advanced usages for the users with fundamental knowledge of Madagascar. Besides the lecture section, this school will also feature a discussion section, in which the participants are welcome to share the research experiences using Madagascar. This Madagascar school is convened by Prof. Sergey Fomel from the University of Texas at Austin and hosted by Prof. Jiubing Cheng from Tongji University.



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Oden Institute

Dr. Sergey B. Fomel

Dr. Sergey B. Fomel

Email: sergey.fomel@beg.utexas.edu

Telephone: 512-475-9573



















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